Bank Apps like Albert To Smartly Manage Your Money will be described in this article. Are you trying to find alternative ways to cut costs? You can automatically save money and invest extra cash with the help of apps like Albert. Possessing a reliable technique for conserving money is one of the essential elements of financial success. It could be difficult to choose which financial applications are worthwhile of your time and money because the number of these apps is always growing.

Since they are capable of so much, these apps can even monitor your financial portfolio and keep track of your bill payments. So there is no need to go further if you’re seeking for an app to help you save money. We’ve listed the top 7 Albert-like applications in this article to save you money.

What is Albert.

With the aid of the financial app Albert, you can cut costs, create a specific financial plan, consolidate all of your accounts into one location, and get a full picture of your financial situation. Consequently, we assist you financially and even advise you on how to invest your money. It keeps an eye on your spending limitations and checks your budget for savings opportunities. Albert gives you access to real, live financial advisors that can offer professional advice.

These professionals rely on their own knowledge and Albert’s algorithm to provide you advice. They also send you warnings after reviewing your bank fees, bills, and odd expenses on a regular basis.

Top 7 Bank Apps like Albert To Smartly Manage Your Money

In this article, you can know about Apps like Albert here are the details below;

1. Digit


Analyzing your bank account balance, recent spending, upcoming payments, anticipated income, and other tailored savings controls set by you, iOS Android Digit is a money-saving tool similar to Albert that restricts when and how much you can afford. It will automatically deposit a small sum of money into your Digit account a few times every week or month, according on your purchasing patterns. So use Digit to better your financial situation!

Key Features

  • Recognize your spending patterns and simplify money management.
  • It examines your income and spending habits to determine how much you can realistically save.
  • The appropriate amount to each of your savings objectives.
  • It aids in guarding against overdraft.
  • When you run the risk of spending more than your bank balance, Digit Money Tracker alerts you.
  • Has the same level of cyber security as the military and the government.

How Does Digit Work?

Download the Digit app on your device to get started. You’ll also need a bank account to link to your Digit account. It makes it easier for you to create a countless number of unique savings objectives through which you can direct money from your checking account.It will occasionally use the funds you have saved in your Digit account to make recurring payments on bills like credit cards, cell phone providers, and student loans.



(You Need A Budget) is a personal budgeting tool that can be accessed through a desktop browser or mobile apps for Android and iPhone. Give every dollar a job is the general operating principle, according to which each dollar is allotted to one particular purpose, such as long-term housing repair funds, annual vehicle insurance payments, college savings, and many more. Users have the option of manually entering transactions or automatically importing them from their banking institutions.

Key Features

  • For a comprehensive view, seamlessly connect all of your accounts in one location.
  • Real-time updates to your budget are visible.
  • You may design an easy-to-use plan to help you get out of debt utilizing a debt repayment tool.
  • The capacity to keep track of the development of your financial priorities and achieve your objectives more rapidly.
  • Utilize straightforward, customizable reports to easily visualize your spending patterns.
  • Your financial data won’t ever be disclosed.

How Does YNAB Work?

YNAB operates differently from other budgeting tools by requiring you to categorize every free dollar. You may plan where your money will go in this way before spending it. Simply download the YBAN app or go to the YNAB website to register for an account. Immediately after logging in, you may begin setting goals and finishing your profile.

Credit card accounts, checking accounts, & savings accounts can all be added. Moreover, you can decide whether to automatically import information, such as account balances and cleared transactions.

3. Mint


Want to budget and save money? You can do that with Mint. With personalized insights and routines, Mint is a personal money management solution that aids you in achieving your financial objectives. Its main features contain the ability to define financial objectives and make budgets, as well as the ability to track investment, credit card, bank, and loan balances as well as transactions through a single user interface.

Key Features

  • It gathers data from several accounts for simple management.
  • With a single tap, link your credit cards, cash, investments, loans, and many other accounts.
  • All of your bank account & credit card information is synced between its website and a mobile application.
  • You can monitor and track your investments even though it is not an investing app.
  • It provides free use of its credit score and credit monitoring tools to account holders.
  • With its money expenditure tracker, you may manage your spending.
  • It also features a page on its website that provides details about personal loans.

How Does Mint Work?

You can enter your personal data, debit or credit card information, and any invoices you want to be reminded to track or pay after creating a Mint account. Additionally, the app lets you to maintain track of your loans and investments.

Connect any number of bank accounts, credit cards, PayPal accounts, and mortgages after that. Additionally, if you create a budget, it will suggest one for you that you may modify based on your financial situation.Transactions, allocations, trends, overview, bills, goals, investments, and strategies to save money make up the primary categories of Mint.



Cleo is another software, like Albert, that allows you keep track of your spending, set up automated savings, and even earn cashback rewards.  You can swiftly get answers when you ask artificial intelligence for information about your money or costs. It will be easier for you to adhere to your personal budget after you’ve established one. This is another Apps like Albert. Also check Collabedit Alternatives

Additionally, it enables you to obtain a modest cash advance of $20 to $100. A credit builder card was specifically designed for people who want to raise their credit score because it has no interest and no credit checks.

Key Features

  • Automatic savings based on your ability to pay.
  • Create customized smart budgets using its AI-powered service.
  • You can use it to increase your personal emergency fund.
  • You can restrict how much money you spend.
  • It displays how much you spent recently in each category.
  • It aids in improving your credit score.

How does Cleo work?

Install the Cleo app on your device, fill up your information, and connect your financial information to Cleo so the chatbox with artificial intelligence (AI) can analyze your spending trends. This is another Apps like Albert.

Although not all banks are supported by Cleo, you can request the addition of any providers that are missing from the list. Later, it categorizes your expenditure and presents the transactions from the specified accounts. By typing “Save” or “Budget” in the chatbox, you can also create a budget or just begin saving in the Cleo program. The recommendations made by Cleo will be based on your spending habits. These spending tracking, analysis, and budgeting tools are all totally free.

5. Acorns


One of the greatest apps like Albert is called Acorns, which offers an automated savings tool and a Robo-advisor model. It provides a straightforward, affordable investing strategy that works for different kinds of people.

Your purchases on associated debit or credit cards are rounded up in order for it to function. Additionally, because the entire investment experience can be generated and maintained directly from a smartphone, it primarily targets a younger, more tech-savvy population.

Key Features

  • Examine your credit card usage patterns and round each purchase to the next whole number.
  • Each of its five products—Invest, Later, Spend, Found Money, and Early—is distinct.
  • Use IRA alternatives to make retirement investments.
  • Learn more by using the tailored financial literacy content.
  • On low account balances, there are substantial fees.
  • You can add the change to your investing portfolio when it rounds up to the nearest $1.

How Does Acorns work?

You must register for an account with Acorns, choose from a combination of pre-built portfolios to invest in, then link your credit or debit card to your account in order to utilize the service. Then, it rounds each purchase you make to the nearest full dollar. Additionally, it funds the remaining balance in the portfolios you’ve chosen. As many cards or accounts as you want can be linked. However, keep in mind that it only uses the roundups from the corresponding bank account. This is another Apps like Albert.

6. Prism


The bill-paying app Prism describes itself as a “Free app that allows you get control of your money.” It is available for iOS and Android devices. Prism aggregates income and expenses rather than bank and investment accounts, even though it functions as a financial aggregator similar to Mint, Acorns, and other applications featured in this list. Also check  Sites like LiveOMG

Key Features

  • It continuously keeps track of your bills and notifies you when they are due.
  • The collection of all revenue and expenditures is in one location.
  • Every day, it syncs the account, and you can also manually update a biller.
  • Select between using a credit or debit card or your bank account to pay your expenses.
  • Choose a future date or make an instant payment.

How Does Prism work?

Prior to adding your bills, download the Prism app on your iOS or Android device. Your account balances and bills will subsequently be integrated by Prism. It can automatically retrieve balances and due dates because it works with more than 11,000 billers across the United States. This includes utilities, cable companies, mortgage lenders, student loan lenders, banks and credit unions, and many more. You’ll therefore have a better understanding of your budget if billers and payments are connected to your account. There, you can pay your invoices and accurately compare your income to your expenses.

7. Personal Capital

Personal Capital

Personal Capital is a secret wealth administration and online financial advisor that provides both free and paid products. You must use its retirement planner or sign up as an investment customer in order to access its financial advisor. This is another Apps like Albert.

Because it allows you to track and manage your personal finances, it is an app similar to Albert. As a result, you can now examine all of your accounts—including stocks, bank accounts, retirement funds, and investment accounts—in one location.

Key Features

  • View all of your accounts—bank accounts, IRAs, stocks, 401(k), investments, and even debt—in one location.
  • You may view your total revenue and total outgoing costs for all of your accounts using the Cash Flow tool.
  • Compare the composition of your existing portfolio to the ideal target allocation created to help you reach your financial objectives.
  • To plan, manage, and build your retirement, use its retirement planner.

How Do Personal capital work?

The Personal Capital Financial Dashboard & Personal Capital Wealth Management are two of the tools it offers. All of your accounts, including savings, loan accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts, checking accounts, and credit cards are included in the Personal Capital Financial Dashboard, which acts as a financial aggregator.

The investment check-up tools offered by particular Capital Wealth Management, in contrast, help you assess your risk tolerance & asset objectives as well as your particular preferences when building your portfolio.


What is similar to Albert?

Earnin, PayActiv, Cash App, Robinhood, Earning, and many other apps exist that are similar to Albert.

How does Albert generate revenue?

Through its subscription service, Albert makes money by charging between $4 and $14 per month depending on what you deem to be fair.

Which apps enable money borrowing?

Numerous apps, such as Dave, Earnin, Brigit, Chime, MoneyLion, and many others, allow you to borrow money.

What other apps are there like Albert?

Acorns, Prism, Personal Capital, Mint, Cleo, Digit, YNAB, and Acorns.

What is the price of the Albert app?

Albert is just $4 per month. You can use features like an infinite number of savings goals and professional financial coaching.

Is Digit a trustworthy app?

Digit is legitimate, yes. It provides a priceless service that is advantageous to you while keeping your money and personal information safe and secure.

Acorns: Is it a secure investment?

Yes, Acorns provides a straightforward, affordable investing strategy that works for many types of investors. The goal of Albert and other applications like it is to help you save money without even recognizing it. They save the spare change in a separate savings account and round up every transaction to the nearest dollar. Please share your questions about these programs, like Albert, in the section below.