How To Update Your Old Blog Posts

Ways to Update Your Old Blog Posts will be described in this article. It may seem time-consuming to update outdated blog entries with new keywords or relevant information. Why bother if it didn’t work the first time, others would ask.

How To Update Your Old Blog Posts For Maximum Traffic

In this article, you can know about How To Update Your Old Blog Posts For Maximum Traffic here are the details below;

Old material re-optimization is becoming more and more common, and for good cause. Recent research by Backlinko’s Brian Dean revealed that modifying one of his older blog posts led to a 58% increase in organic traffic.

Here’s another illustration:

  • Brafton’s Jeff Baker set out to re-optimize a few blog pieces. Look at his outcomes:
  • Breton-optimized blog entries

Finally, let me to remind you that:

  • Revenue from Brightedge’s website
  • Brightedge is the source
  • During SEO efforts, this statistic serves as a wonderful inspiration for me.
  • Don’t leave money on the table if there is a better keyword waiting around the corner. One of the multiple useful recoveries on investment in online marketing is SEO.
  • This means that, if done correctly, replacing your outdated information is definitely worthwhile.
  • Just a few re-optimization best practices should be kept in mind before you get started:

If the new keywords have a lot of searches or better purchasing intent, only update your blog content.

What were the original objectives of the content? Why couldn’t you accomplish them?

Verify again if the new keyword is relevant to the intended audience.

Do you have problems giving a strong E-A-T? (knowledge, stature, credibility) For instance, is your “About Us” section complete and engaging? Is the writing in your content strong, and do you use interesting media (video, slideshows, and infographics)? Is the author a professional? This is another way of How To Update Your Old Blog Posts.

I’ll walk you through the procedure in this post for adding new keywords to an old blog post. I’ll reveal my all-time favorite method for conducting keyword research, which pairs incredibly well with re-optimization.

Let’s begin.

Five ways to upgrading outdated material to improve search results

Five ways to upgrading outdated material to improve search results

Are you prepared for some on-page SEO (again)?

The good news is that you won’t require pricey SEO tools to help you.

Google itself, Google Trends, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Ads are the only Google products you’ll need for this activity. Everything is free!

Step 1: Evaluate your original keyword’s user intent

Evaluate your original keyword’s user intent

It is inevitable that SEO and particularly digital marketing will change. What was effective years ago is ineffective today. Also check Outpost Alternatives

Google’s attention has been more heavily focused on user intent than ever with the release of the BERT algorithm in 2019. The purpose of BERT was to comprehend prepositions like “for” or “to” in a search term.

A SERP might resemble this both before and after BERT.

What changes should you make to BERT?

For starters, you can double-check that you aren’t using a keyword that is unrelated and has such a modifier because Google will push your blog post all the way to the bottom of the search results pages if you do. This is another way of How To Update Your Old Blog Posts.

Additionally, see if you can include keywords with modifiers that are pertinent to your issue. The ‘how’ for both of these activities will be revealed shortly.

Repurposing outdated information into new content that addresses actual user issues will help you perform better.

Content that addresses actual user issues

Step 2: Check the strength of your original keyword

Check the strength of your original keyword

Did you perhaps get a little carried away when you originally penned your blog post? Does your primary term have a low search volume, is it too wide, or is it really competitive?

Don’t get me wrong; if it’s a tasty long-tail phrase, low search volume might be a good thing. This is another way of How To Update Your Old Blog Posts.

Look at this:

Monthly searches for a keyword length

Long-tail keywords work wonders. Although they may not have a lot of searches, they are quite good at assisting you in moving up the Google results page quickly.

To see historical search volumes, use the Keyword Planner in Google Ads. Additionally, check out Google Trends to see how popular your keyword is.

Step 3: Find new focus keywords and LSI keywords

The finest part is here now. This approach will transform your life.

Google may decide to rank you for a number of keywords you didn’t expect to rank for after you publish a blog post. We ask that you do so kindly and thank you.

  • These keywords can be found in Google Search Console.
  • Performance of Google Search Console
  • Visit the Search Console In the sidebar, select Performance.
  • Examine your questions.

What are LSI keywords?

Your entire keyword wish list is handed to you on a silver platter. Here, you might discover your new target keyword or LSI keyword.

How do LSI keywords work?

Latent Semantic Indexing, or LSI, is a term for supporting keywords that are pertinent to the subject. ‘Mountain’ or’snow’ would make sense as nearby keywords, for instance, if your company offers skiing services.

How do you choose the right keywords?

Start by fiddling around with the parameters. I discovered that there are two approaches you can take to fast generate keyword suggestions.

Sort them in descending order by Impressions. This will reveal the keywords that generate the most attention. Your prospective new focus keywords may be these.

Sort them in ascending order by Impressions. LSIs, synonyms, and long-tail keywords are probably present here. This is another way of How To Update Your Old Blog Posts.

Naturally, you shouldn’t just cram everything into the content. Try to come up with sentences that relate to your issue. For more information on this, keep reading.

Take advantage of the BERT-wave by finding important keywords that include prepositions (it is preferable to export this report for in-depth analysis). Also check B2B Business 

Google related Searches

Simply using Google will allow you to add additional terms to your list. Popular (even long-tail) keywords can be gleaned from the Related Searches listed at the bottom of each SERP. This approach is excellent for locating additional LSI keywords.

If you’re producing a comparison post or a review, these long-tail keywords would make fantastic LSI-keywords or even focus keywords.

As you incorporate more keyword objectives into a single article, LSI integration is a terrific method to improve relevance and boost search traffic.

Step 4: Perform on-page re-optimization

What is E-A-T?

E-A-T was previously referenced in this article. Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines provide information about E-A-T. It assists manual search quality raters and webmasters in understanding what Google seeks out in a web page.

  • Knowledge Authority Reputation
  • Experience, Credibility, and Reputation
  • How can on-page re-optimization be done while adhering to E-A-T?
  • Regular content updates help with SEO as well as keeping the information current (including fact-checking).
  • Complete the About Us section. To persuade the reader of your authority, use all of your credentials.
  • Give them a variety of methods to reach you
  • Elective but helpful Hire professionals to write content on your website (contemplate guest blogging).
  • Redesigning your website could help you project a more professional image.
  • Optimizing titles, headings, and content

The first thing a user sees on a website is frequently the title tag. It has a significant impact on whether or not they click through. So, give creating a catchy title some thought. This is another way of How To Update Your Old Blog Posts.

Although using exact-match keywords in your subheadings (H2, H3, etc.) is still effective today, avoid doing so excessively. These times are over because to Google’s quick advancements in AI. Don’t force a target term; just include it if it makes sense. Instead, write naturally.

High-value material is already widely recognized as being important. But what does it actually mean?

  • What goes into a decent blog post?
  • Well-written, educational content by a subject matter expert
  • helpful, current advise
  • 1,000 minimum words
  • Catchy meta description
  • A great, UX-focused design Using videos
  • Internal links that are useful (keep the anchor text natural)
  • Search Using Write for us Technology

Additionally, to increase the conversion rates from each article, Yaniv Masjedi, CMO of Nextiva, advises connecting CTAs to pertinent lead magnet materials, such as case studies, eBooks, and testimonials.

Reminder: In WordPress, reset the publication date to today once you’re finished revising your old blog article. This tells Google that your content has just been updated.

Also, the procedure for optimizing landing pages and sales is comparable. Aim for valuable content that is presented in a useful manner.

For instance, you might incorporate your service page with an interactive tour similar to the one SalesFlare designed for their trial page:

Having said that, you should combine your content with the user experience, funnel, and user for each individual landing page.

Imagination Pub’s VP of Content Strategy, DJ Francis, says:

When structuring their content and site experience, take into account the user journey. According to my observations, we are frequently asked to accommodate a variety of buying stages.

Pro tip: Create a heatmap for your website to take landing page optimization a step further. These technologies are designed to analyze user behavior and optimize using actual data that users generate themselves.

Step 5: Run a quick content audit for your website

Run a quick content audit for your website

Don’t stop updating your material at the first post you think of once you get into the swing of things. You will have trouble posts on your website unless it is a brand-new one. Conduct a thorough content audit to eliminate the bad apples (read: flimsy content, outdated material). This is another way of How To Update Your Old Blog Posts.

In a similar situation, Hunter Branch of Rank Tree decided to take 90% of his client’s blog content down. In 24 months, organic traffic increased by 600% as a result of this and other SEO strategies.

This is a successful but risky strategy, therefore you should monitor your blog portfolio because it might cause issues with content overload that are more detrimental than helpful.

How to do a content audit with Screaming Frog is as follows:

  1. Combine Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Ahrefs to provide crucial metrics to your audit:
  2. All three tools can be combined using Configuration. API Entry
  3. Conduct a webpage crawl.
  4. Into Excel, export your results.
  5. To select the full table in Excel, use Ctrl+A.
  6. Next, choose a style by clicking Format as table.

Style 6 and a table format. As a last step, sort your table from low to high to view the metrics shown below:

Google Analytics metrics, including users, sessions, and conversion rates

Ahrefs metrics, like Ahrefs refdomains 7. Make a list of all the pages with poor performance and decide whether it is worthwhile to update them.

BuzzSumo is another useful tool for content audit, mostly because of its insights about inbound links and social shares. If you have a limited budget, you can also attempt a comparable tool.

Resharing content on social media could give your content a substantial boost. For every one of your updated blog pieces, plan a number of future social media updates. There are several social media scheduling tools available. Even specialized programs are available for scheduling Instagram postings.

Re-Cycle a lot, Create a lot

While updating your older blog entries is an excellent SEO hack, don’t neglect to produce fresh content as well. There is always new information to discuss or a new perspective to adopt. Re-optimizing shouldn’t make up your entire content strategy; it should only be a component of it.

Thankfully, you can leverage Google Search Console’s query list in the same manner to generate fresh content suggestions. Google Search Console has been my secret weapon throughout the years because of this.