Home Apps Top 20 Best SEO Software Tools for Small Business in 2022

Top 20 Best SEO Software Tools for Small Business in 2022

Best SEO software tools will be described in this post. Search Engine Optimization is for small enterprises (SEO). According to BrightLocal’s recent research, a whopping 93 percent of online experiences begin with a search. The vast majority (92 percent) of those 93 percent begin their search on Google.

Google is the portal to the internet’s content. All of the essential actions that small business owners worry about — leads, sales, and conversions – begin with website visitors.

Many small businesses rely on visitors arriving on their website as a result of a Google search to generate leads and sales online. According to a number of industry studies on Google user behaviour, like this one from Sistrix, more than half of all Google users click the first three results (a combined 55.2 percent CTR).

Top 20 Best SEO Software Tools for Small Business in 2022.

Top 20 Best SEO Software Tools for Small Business are explained here.

That is why the first page of search results is so crucial. Depending on the search volume around your terms, the difference between ranking at the top of the first page (28.5 percent CTR) and at the bottom of the first page (2.5 percent CTR) can be hundreds or even thousands of clicks per month.

What are the benefits of SEO software for small businesses?

If you desire to improve your ranking in search results, you must devote significant time, effort, and resources to SEO.

Technical (on-page) SEO, content creation, and link building are all parts of SEO, and SEO software can assist you with all of them. These technologies aid in the automation of otherwise time-consuming or difficult tasks, as well as the generation of reports, actions, or insights. Few small businesses rely on just one SEO tool, and instead must build their own stack of go-to SEO tools to boost their SEO performance.

What advantages can SEO software provide to small businesses?

Time is money.

This is perhaps the most significant advantage because your time is money. SEO isn’t easy, and it’s not a game that can be played in a short period of time. Instead, it’s a long-term commitment that necessitates consistent effort to improve search visibility and position.

In most small firms, the founder or owner is also in charge of lead generation, sales, and conversions. If you’re in this position, you’re probably also in charge of your company’s SEO. There just aren’t sufficiently hours in the day for you to conduct keyword research, write high-quality blog pieces, cultivate relationships with bloggers and the press, conduct link-building outreach, and so on.

Spend less.

The majority of the SEO software we discuss in this article can be completely replaced by human labour. Because of the intricate and ever-evolving nature of SEO, some tasks are full-time professions in and of themselves, requiring in-demand skill sets. So it’s a no-brainer to choose between paying a $4,000 monthly wage vs. $49 per month for software.

Stick to a routine.

The best part about most all-in-one SEO software tools is that they include a workflow procedure that will stroll you through the phases of setting up, discovering “low hanging fruit,” and optimising your activity.

To close a knowledge gap,

When it comes to SEO, most undersized business owners have no idea where to begin, which is completely understandable. You should concentrate on your main business. SEO tools can assist small businesses with SEO difficulties they are unaware of. When you first start out, half of the battle is figuring out where you stand and what steps you need to take to enhance your search rankings.

Boost your performance

The tangible commercial value of SEO software is that it helps you improve your search rankings, which enhances organic traffic and, in turn, your potential to produce more leads, sales, and conversions. This point demonstrates the return on investment of your SEO software products.

What are some of the most important features of SEO software for small businesses?

An examination of the website

A website audit is a basic task that all website owners should perform on a regular basis. A site audit might help you detect problems that are preventing your site from ranking higher. Keyword-related issues, link-related issues, metadata-related issues, and site speed-related issues are all possibilities. A complete site audit is required. Over 50 distinct checks are usually included in most site audits. A site audit generates a report that identifies any potential SEO concerns as well as the actions to address each one.

Rank monitoring

Rank tracking allows you to see how well you’re doing in terms of SEO. One of the more time-consuming tasks that SEO software can efficiently automate for you at a reasonable cost is this. Rank tracking scans all of your keywords in your target locations and displays your current ranking position as well as how it has changed over time. Once you’ve started down the SEO path, you’ll want to keep track of your ranking progress so you can see how your efforts are affecting your search position for each target term.

Searching for keywords

You’ll be in the dark about which keywords to target in your content creation efforts unless you conduct keyword research (and use keyword research tools). It’s pointless to create content for keywords that no one searches for, or vice versa, for phrases that a lot of people search for yet are extremely competitive. The dear spot is in the ‘long tail’ of keywords with low competition but high search volume. Keyword research tools assist you in identifying the terms in this so-called long tail.

What is the best way for small businesses to use SEO software?

As previously said, most small businesses employ a variety of SEO tools to assist them reach the various goals that are most important to them. We advocate trying out as many tools as possible to get a better knowledge of how they work so you can decide whether the investment (in time and/or money) is worthwhile.


The Best SEO Software for Small Businesses: The Top 20

Let’s go over some of the greatest and most popular solutions used by small business owners all over the world now that we understand the value these products bring and why you should use SEO software tools.



Small businesses will benefit from SEOptimer’s DIY Plan. It’s a Swiss-army knife of SEO features, with the following features:

  • SEO Crawler: crawl every page of your site to discover SEO issues in bulk • Task & Progress Management: track headway on all your SEO issues & access walkthroughs and guides for how to fix issues • Website Audits: run audits on any page of your site to identify and fix any SEO issues that are retaining your site back from ranking
  • SEO Toolbox: over 50 individual SEO tools for executing particular checks or tracking your ranking position against your goal keywords over time • Keyword Tracking: track your ranking position against your target keywords over time

SEOptimer’s DIY plan is affordable for SME’s at $19 per month and includes a 14-day free trial to allow you to fully explore the features before committing.

How to get the most out of SEOptimer: Use the Website Audit and SEO Crawler to thoroughly examine your website as it is now, then use the Task Management area to track all SEO concerns. Use SEOptimer’s guidelines to solve these problems one at a time, then use the Keyword Tracking tool to see how your search ranks improve.

2.Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a Google tool that should be used by all website owners. GSC gives you access to information about your content’s performance on Google, such as:

  • Search Impressions: the total number of people who saw your website in Google search results.
  • CTR: the Click Through Rate of guises vs clicks for each keyword • Position in Search: the moderate position in search results for each term you rank for • Clicks: actual clicks on your website from search results

GSC also allows you to view coverage maps and discover any issues with the Googlebot’s ability to crawl any of your pages. You can also inspect your Core Web Vitals findings and submit new sitemaps.

How to get the most out of GSC: Track the link between Impressions and Clicks (CTR) for your target keywords in addition to Position.

3. Yoast

Yoast is one of the most popular WordPress and WooCommerce SEO plugins. Yoast is a WordPress plugin that assists you verify your content follows SEO best practises. It’s free for the most part, but they do have a Premium edition that includes SEO classes, multi-language support, keyword analysis, and connection with Elementor, a popular WordPress page builder.

To get the most out of Yoast, utilise the Yoast panel every time you create a new post after you’ve installed it and setup all of the options. It functions as a check list to ensure that you’ve covered all of your bases in terms of keyword usage, metadata, and other SEO recommended practises.

4. Google Analytics

Another essential tool for every small business is Google Analytics (GA). GA not only monitors the behaviour of organic search traffic to your site, but it also monitors all traffic. GA has quickly become the industry-standard internet analytics solution, with about 29 million websites using it to track their visitors.

Google Analytics 4 is the most contemporary version of the software, and it adds more robust cross-device tracking that focuses on the user rather than the session. GA4 also includes machine learning-based predictive analytics and modelling. New automated insights, new metrics, and better visualisations are also included.

Get most out of Google Analytics’ Use GA to evaluate the quality of traffic coming from each source. As a general rule, traffic from organic search converts at a higher percentage than traffic from other sources, but you should examine your own statistics because this varies by industry.

5. Answer the Public

Respond to the Public’s Question The Public is a ‘customer and content research search listening tool.’ The programme mines millions of Google searches for information on how people search for terms related to your business, issue, or target phrase.

The tool takes you on a 10-question journey through keyword ideas. The top eight queries by volume are then divided by each path. Keyword ideas surrounding comparison terms (like, vs, and, or), related searches, and the top neighbouring words discussed around your keyword, listed alphabetically, are also provided by the programme.

How to Get the Most Out of Answer the public’s questions: To acquire insight into how potential buyers think about your industry, search for target keyword terms around your brand and competing brands, as well as your industry. These insights might help you arrange your material in a way that answers inquiries about your industry phrases that are frequently asked.

6.Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is an SEO Spider software programme that crawls websites to find problems with their rankings. Screaming Frog, unlike the other tools on this list, does not run in the browser. Instead, it operates locally on your machine, which means you must first download and install the software on your machine.

Screaming Frog allows you to analyse all of your metadata, produce XML sitemaps, audit all of your redirects, find duplicate content, and more after it’s installed. It can be a little complicated, therefore it’s better suited to companies with more established marketing teams capable of delving into the more technical components of SEO.

The best way to get the most out of Screaming Frog is to: Larger websites with complex tracking requirements that require access to the data itself will benefit from this feature.

7. Site Speed Bot

Here at SEOptimer, we’ve written about the importance of Site Speed previously. Your site’s load speed is becoming a crucial ranking element as part of Google’s focus on page experience signals this year. The hurdle time of your site is affected by factors such as picture size, image type, javascript, template, and server response time. Using a site performance testing tool like Site Speed Bot can help you benchmark your load speed so you can concentrate on lowering it.

How to get the most out of Site Speed Bot: Check the speed of your site after making changes to content (particularly pictures) or page structure. Make sure you’re reducing, not increasing, your load time. Sites that load faster tend to rank higher in search results.

8. SpyFu

The Backlinks tool from SpyFu displays a list of all the websites that connect to yours. This is useful for determining the importance of your most valuable backlinks. The more authoritative sites that link to your website, the better. These links inform Google that your website is important and can help you rank higher in search results. The Backlinks tool categorises your backlinks by domain kinds and allows you to sort them by clicks, domain strength (i.e. domain authority), and rated keywords.

How to get the most out of SpyFu: Look at your competitors’ backlinks as well, and see if there are any opportunities to contact sites that connect to them, perhaps to negotiate a new link to your site?

9. QuestionDB

QuestionDB is a keyword and question research engine that scans third-party sites such as Quora, Reddit, and StackExchange, among others. QuestionDB offers questions related to your chosen term when you search for it. This can assist in the development of content ideas, particularly in the early stages of brainstorming. You might have a target keyword in mind, but you’re having trouble structuring your article around it. QuestionDB can assist you in ‘filling in the blanks’ based on crowd-sourced questions related to your topic.

How to get the most out of QuestionDB: Run your target keywords through QuestionDB before writing an article to find interesting angles to include in your content.


Wordtracker is a keyword research & market research tool combining Google search data, Google Ads keyword data and their own proprietary sources. Mixing paid and organic keyword data might be an intriguing technique to uncover new keywords to target. Wordtracker allows you run a few free searches with subscription plans starting at $27 per month.

How to get the most of Wordtracker: Find fresh keyword chances around your goal keyword and ensure you settle on terms with respectable search volume but low competition.

11. Surfer

Surfer is a content planning tool that can help you find pages and posts that have already been published but could use some tweaking. Surfer’s Content Planner allows you to order your content by the ‘content score’ that is the lowest (shown on the left). Then you may focus your efforts on improving or beefing up your lowest-scoring content so that it can compete better in the search results page.

The best way to get the most out of Surfer is to: Optimizing current content (rather than creating new material from scratch) is a good short-term technique for getting more value out of the content you already have. Work your way through Surfer’s list and keep track of your progress.

12. Google Trends

Google Trends is a market research tool developed by Google. Trends gives you a fantastic picture of macro-level search behaviour in your target nations by leveraging Google’s comprehensive search database. Comparing search phrases can be a fascinating exercise that can help inform seasonal content or discover rising or falling interest in specific terms. Merlot has much higher search interest than Syrah, as shown in the example below, especially around the holidays.

How to Utilize Google Trends to Your Advantage: Compare the search interest for numerous of your key terms to see if it’s increasing or decreasing. Can you identify longer-term trends or times of the year when interest in your search keywords spikes?

13. Hunter

Reaching out to site owners & bloggers and pitching them on why they should link to your articles is part of link building. Email is a popular method for conducting this type of outreach. Hunter is a programme that allows you to find email addresses associated with a website. Hunter is simple to use; simply type in the company’s URL and it will display all known email addresses for that domain.

Hunter: How to Get the Most Out of It: Get which key sites and blogs you’d like to collaborate with, then run the domains through Hunter to determine the most prevalent email pattern for each organisation (for example, firstname.lastname@site.com or firstinitial.lastname@site.com). Use LinkedIn to locate employees at the organisation and contact them using an email template that corresponds to their industry.

14. INK

INK is a desktop programme that allows you to quickly create search-optimized content. Rather of operating directly in the browser, you must download and install it. INK’s goal is to optimise your content for search while you’re producing it, rather than after it’s been published. To offer you a competitive edge, the programme employs a grading system based on current articles on the web that include the same keywords and makes suggestions to you as you’re writing.

How to get the most out of INK: Use INK as you write articles and look for trends in your writing that can help you improve your SEO score. Train yourself to use more of these patterns in your writing so that it becomes automatic.

15. Backlink Watch

Backlink Watch is a free application that displays all of a website’s backlinks. Although the design is a little dated, it does a good job of detecting all backlinks and reporting the number of outbound links (OBL) as well as whether the link has a nofollow tag.

Get the most out of Backlink Watch: Figure out which pages on your site get the most backlinks and how they’re connected. Pitch these pages during your link-building outreach since they are more likely to succeed depending on who already links to them.

16. Pitchbox

Pitchbox is an outreach tool that can help you organise how you pitch and reach out to bloggers and publishers if you have a lot of high-value material. Pitchbox has created a complete workflow solution for managing and automating much of the process of pitching your content because it may be time-consuming and arduous. Pitchbox is a CRM-like interface that allows you to prospect, do actual outreach, and manage all of your link-building chores.

Pitchbox: How to Get the Most Out of It: Pitchbox can help you speed your growth by prospecting high-value backlinks once you’ve accumulated a large amount of high-value content.

17. HARO

Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is an abbreviation that stands for “Help A Reporter Out.” Journalists and bloggers can use the tool to connect with sources. You have the option of registering as a source, a journalist, or both. Here at SEOptimer, we use HARO to discover thought-leader sources to include and quote in our articles. This is a terrific way to bring in outside expertise to your material. You can also use HARO as a source and reply to journalist and blogger content ‘call-outs.’ These alerts are delivered to your mailbox as a daily digest, and you can simply respond to the ones that are most appropriate to your content area. If the journalist accepts your contribution, you could get potentially valuable backlinks from authoritative sources.

Get the most out of HARO: Sign up as a source and answer to a few relevant call-outs. Check to see if getting a few backlinks boosts your Domain Authority and helps you rank higher for your goal keywords.

18. Schema Generator

Schema.org Structured Data is a means for search engines to understand your page’s content. Structured Data is made up of categories that can be used to trigger various search features, such as rich cards (often shown on the right side of search results). You must use JSON-LD markup in your HTML source code to enable Structured Data on your site. The Schema Generator tool is intended to assist you in generating the category-specific JSON code required for your site.

To get the most out of Schema Generator, follow these steps: In the Schema.org manual, you may learn about the many types of markup you can build. Then, using the Schema Generator, create structured data that is relevant to your company.

19. SEO Content Analysis

The SEO Material Analysis tool, which is part of the SEO Review Tools suite, works in the browser and allows you to create content on the go while the tool evaluates the content’s SEO score against your emphasis (ie: target keyword). The tool also gives you SEO optimization advice based on your writing and a preview of how the page will appear on Google. Another useful feature is the opportunity to save your content as a Microsoft Word document.

How to get the most out of SEO Content Analysis: Begin drafting your content in the SEO Content Analysis tool and notice how the recommendations vary as the focus keyword changes.


If you’ve delegated content development to a freelancer or an agency, you should double-check that the content is truly original. Content plagiarism is unfortunately frequent, and publishing plagiarised content can have a detrimental influence on your rankings (apart from the evident issues around IP infringement). Run your copy using a tool like Copyscape to discover any potential duplicate content and avoid the headaches.

Copyscape: How to Get the Most Out of It: If you didn’t write some of your existing articles, double-check that they weren’t plagiarised (or that someone else hasn’t plagiarised you!)

How can you know which SEO tool is best for your company?

This is a highly personal question, and you are the only one who can answer it! Make sure you test out a variety of tools to see which ones provide the greatest value and bang for your dollars. All of these solutions provide free trials and are either free or extremely inexpensive for small enterprises.

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